10 reasons, Why to join Merchant Navy ?

Picture of a ship.

  1. The Pay:- Of -course, the pay is very high as compared to others working on the shore, but there is a lot of variables such as nationality, the company, where you are from, your rank. The standard of living is also good, money pays a big incentive to all seafarers. You can just collect money in bulk and spend it on your leave or vacation.

  2. Tax-free:- Some country like China is an exception, but for the majority of seafarers we don't get taxed. So now in maritime not only pay is better, on top of that you don't get taxed.

  3. Career flexibility / Long term prospectus:- This industry has way less competition than any out there, once you reached 1st license or I say, Captain, you can walk on the shore with high pay like as working in the marine department, management in shipping companies, marine surveyors, consultant, port captain, maritime pilot, etc. So, the end game is filled with opportunity.

  4. Job security:- Be honest, I say no matter which industry, nationality you are from if you are a fresh graduate from university, you have always troubling finding the first job. So as a cadet it is difficult, but as you step into the industry and have some experience, companies will hire you easily, so smile!

  5. Travel:- It is amazing, you get to travel around the world while being paid. Passenger ships or the cruise have the most tourist destinations, container ships visit a lot of parts, bulk or tankers spent a long time on the sea but the port stay is longer. So take your pick, you can explore the world while doing your job.

  6. Lifestyle:- The lifestyle on the ship is very uniform and scheduled, but in some cases, you have to do overtime like in inspection or annual survey. But you can manage your time accordingly from time to time and earn a good habit.

  7. Long vocational holidays:- As you know people work onshore for six days and get a small tiny weekend, but, in this field, you have whole four-five months with no work. You can spend them as you want. Now you are recharged and can go back to your sea life.

  8. Autonomy:- You are the boss of your own, nobody watches you on your back, as everyone has an assigned work at their time and they don't gonna distract you or give you extra stress at the time you are like master of your assigned task.

  9. Straight forward job and tasks:- On the ship, the everyday task was the same routine and designated, eg. chief mates are in charge of cargo and stability, second mates are in charge of charge and publications, etc. You won't see a lower-ranked person doing a professional captain work. Life becomes so simple and easy onboard.

  10. Fast promotions:- In the maritime field there is no competition of ranks, spots aren't limited. You just have to learn, give exams and you are promoted. It's quite simple.


Blog by:- Ankit Kumar 

©Merchant Navy 202


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