Image of a ifeboat.

As we know during emergency situations in which we have to leave the vessel, lifeboat serves as a boat with all requirements we need to survive. 

Different ships have different types of lifeboats:-
    a) Free Fall

    b) Davit launch type

All types of lifeboats don't have any luxury looks, they are designed just for survival and to fit people inside as many as possible.
    It is mainly oval-shaped with coloured orange outside, the centre is blacked by structural requirements, padding ( seat-belts ) and cushions are joined on the walls of the boat for safety measures.  

image source - google|credit - aleksander

A lifeboat contains all the mandatory items which one need for survival, which are listed below,
  • Manuals having a brief description of how to operate the lifeboat
  • Sensitive Items are mainly stored under the seats 
  • Survival at sea technique book:- We have to follow the procedures step by step given in the book if we are in a panic
  • Life jackets
  • Emergency suits
  • Nylon ropes
  • Seasick tablets, Seasick bags
  • Buoyant oars and Boot hooks
  • Sea anchor, TPA (Thermal Protective Aids)
  • Pyrotechnic box contains :
         Rocket parachute flares 
         Buoyant smoke
         Hand flares
  • Lifeboat ration and water

There are other temporary items as follows:-
  • Buoyant rescue quoit
  • Fishing tackle
  • Boiler
  • First Aid Kit
  • Tin opener
  • Dipper (to take a sample of water)
  • Hatchet (axe)
  • Jackknife
  • Torch and Battery
  • Spare whistle
  • Signalling mirror
  • Signal card
  • Radar reflector
  • Bucket
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Rain collector

And we have command console for the navigation and to reach our destination. It consists of lights, compass, ignition, steering wheel, throttle, hydro-static hook release, painter release and a diesel engine.
    You just have to remove pins and to release with help of brake governor or hand pull and you good to go 👍.   

Blog by:- Ankit Kumar 

© Merchant Navy 202