Having the right education and passion for life at sea will not give you a career in the merchant navy. To join the Merchant Navy course, you must have the physical fitness and medical requirements to build your career on a ship. The candidate should be free from any kind of physical defect to interfere with good mental and physical health and good performance at sea.
Read on to find out if you are physically fit to join the Merchant Navy.
there are no gender problems both boys and girls can join in the merchant navy, tests are the same for all
Mandatory Clinical Tests: In addition to physical examinations, several clinical tests are performed to ensure that all criteria are met.
- Total blood count (HB, WBC, ESR)
- Routine urination (Albin in min, sugar, and micro)
- Blood sugar
- Audiometry
- Vision tests (far, near, color)
- Chest x-ray
- electrocardiogram (ECG).
- Additional Medical Examination for Ship's Tankers: A tanker aboard benzene, butane, diesel oil for marine engines of ships, which may include blood and liver function tests including blood counts and assessments.
- Eyesight a major role for this field:
- Deck department: eyesight should be 6/6 in better eye and 6/9 in another eye
- Engine or Electrical department: eyesight should be 6/12 or 6/9 in better eye and 6/12 in another eye
- no defective vision or color blindness
- Medical conditions considered before issuing the medical certificate
- Infectious and parasitic diseases- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), enteritis, hepatitis (active or chronic, within 6 months), typhoid, malaria lice, itching, sexually transmitted disease, or any other contagious in its communicable or carrier stage Parasitic disease. It will present a health hazard to other crew members or passengers.
- Malignant neoplasms — any male currently receiving treatment.
- Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic conditions, and immune disorders - diabetes mellitus, adrenal insufficiency, immunosuppressive therapy, obesity, or any disease of the endocrine gland.
- The disease of the blood and blood-forming organs- anaemia, myelodysplasia, splenomegaly, or any significant disease of the hemopoietic system.
- Mental disorders - active alcohol (substance abuse or dependence), acute psychosis, psychoanalytic major depression, dementia, or personality disorder.
- Nervous System- Ataxia, Vertigo, Congestive Disorder, Epilepsy, Gastric Instability, Post Concealer Syndrome, Stroke, Tremors, Migraine, Syncope, Epistaxis, or Sinusitis.
- Oral health - an infection of the mouth or gums (until treated) or any dental defect.
- Cardiovascular system - aortic aneurysm, arrhythmia, hypertension, coronary bypass grafting, coronary angioplasty, claudication, myocardial infarction, varicose veins, chronic varicose ulcer, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, varicoceles, psychosis, or others.
- Respiratory system- bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumothorax (within 12 months), tumor or pulmonary coach with less than 12 months of treatment.
- Digestive system- stomach lumps, abscess, appendicitis, cholelithiasis, diarrhoea, gastric ulceration, haematemesis (within 3 months), hepatitis (within 6 months), jaundice, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, liver cirrhosis, splenomegaly, hepatitis. Operated).
- Genetic system- proteinuria, glycosuria, nephritis, urinary obstruction (if they are not treatable), renal or diuretic stones, renal removal, renal transplantation, renal insufficiency, urinary incontinence, prostatism ith retention, urethral discharge or any All types of cases also.
- Pregnancy
- Skin condition- skin infections (unless treated satisfactorily), acute eczema, dermatome (severe or uncontrolled), systemic disease apathy (eg. Lupus, allergies), carcinoma, or any burn natural. Obstruction of movement.
A person should be physically fit and meet all the requirements as specified by DGS.
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